From the Introduction

Nature and People

Atmosphere, water, earth, plants, animals, sun, planets, the universe, the whole world around us, is called nature.

Nature is in constant change, or movement: planets and stars are moving, the water on Earth is cycling, rivers are changing channels, plants and animals are growing and developing.

Through mind and work people makes changes in nature. They built towns and villages, bridges and highways, factories and plants, plowed and sowed fields, invented various machines. The sciences appeared as a result of human knowledge of nature.

In studying the changes occurring in nature, scientists have found that all of them occur consequently, there is always some reason for the phenomenon. The reason for the fall of various objects on Earth, for example, is the attraction them by Earth; the change of day and night on Earth is explained by the movement of Earth around its axis; one of the reasons for the emergence of wind - the uneven heating of atmosphere.


The purpose of the natural sciences is to discover, study and apply the laws of nature.

The science of nature is always evolving. We are becoming more and more aware of the phenomena of nature and are finding them more and more practical applications. Scientific explanations phenomena of nature make it possible to find human misconceptions and mistakes.

One of the sciences of nature is physics.